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- BOMB SQUAD: Quick demo of Falcon version - 16/2/95
- Design, code, graphics by ALIAS "X" in 68000 & STOS
- Distribution is permitted provided all files are left intact
- Here is a quick demo of the full game. It still has quite a few bugs and
- lots of stuff which has been left out. The demo has been released to give
- you an idea of the gameplay and for 'beta-testing'. 8^}
- Run the game in ST low/Med. It has been tested (and works) on VGA with
- TOS 4.04. I have not tested it in RGB 'cos I don't have an RGB monitor.
- Instructions:
- Your mission is to save the world (as usual) from the hordes of killer
- robots sent out by the obligatory bad guy. The game is different from the
- other bomb type games available, as you do not play against the other
- players, but rather with them. Together you battle the computer controlled
- nasties.
- At the start of each level , you appear in the centre of the screen,
- surrounded by the killer robots. You have several seconds of shield (you
- flash) during which you are invincible. After that contact with either the
- robots or an explosion will kill you.
- The level must be finished within a time limit (shown at the bottom of
- the screen) by destroying all the killer robots. To drop a bomb, press the
- fire button. The bomb will detonate after a certain delay or when it is hit
- by a flame.
- At the bottom of the screen is the scoreboard. It displays your score,
- type of bomb, shield charge and number of lives left.
- To help you in your mission, there are powerups scattered throughout the
- level (they are under certain barrels). To collect a powerup, just run over
- it. The powerups are as follows:
- * flame - increases the power of your bombs by one
- * triple flame - increases the power of your bombs by three
- * bomb - increases the number of bombs you can set at a time by one
- * triple bomb - gives you three extra bombs
- * curve flame - gives you 10 curve bombs (very nasty in confined areas!)
- * remote - gives you ten remote controlled bombs
- * Speed - increases your speed
- * Speed with flashing figure - increases your speed even more
- * Clock - freezes all the robots for a while
- * Medal - recharges your shield
- * BONUS letters - each letter gives you more time on the bonus level
- * Other bonuses give you points/extra lives
- * Warp gate - disabled in the demo version
- Known bugs - will be removed in the final version
- * The monks on level 2-2 wipe out your bombs completely instead of setting
- them off, so you lose a bomb permanently.
- * Remote control bombs can not be detonated yet - so effectively you end up
- with no bombs if you collect the power up. They still explode if they are
- hit by a flame.
- * Some of the robots don't work properly
- * Some of the graphics are really sad
- Other problems:
- * Multi-player games don't work properly (one joystick controls all the
- players!). I can read the extended ports ok, but am having great
- difficulty in reading a joystick plugged into the mouse port. Don't write
- to me telling me to put in a keyboard patch - I tried and STOS doesn't
- like it very much! Also the extensions for dual joystick interrupts don't
- work on the Falcon.
- Bitmaster's mod player routine has to be initialised from outside STOS,
- giving me no control over it from within the game. I would like to have
- several tunes in the game, control over volume, etc. & Sound FX.
- If anyone can help with these, please get in touch.
- The demo version is limited to the first 8 levels, plus a bonus level
- and the combat level. The first guardian level has been removed. The final
- version will feature:
- - 40 levels, over five different types of scenery
- - 15 different types of enemies
- - 5 end-of-level guardians
- - 4 player simultaneous action
- - a combat mode, where player play against each other
- - high score table saved to disk
- The final version will be available later this year, probably as
- shareware. How later depends on how quickly I can fix the bugs and how
- much response I get back from the demo version. I will upload another (bug-
- fixed) version of the demo on the 'net when the final version is complete.
- I will (hopefully) also release an ST version. In the meantime spread this
- version everywhere!
- Send all comments/bug reports/info to:
- Yiannis Paschalidis (ALIAS "X")
- Email: u943409@student.canberra.edu.au
- S/mail: 8 Bingara Place, Fisher, A.C.T. 2611, Australia